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Library Services



The library features two spacious reading rooms, where users can enjoy open consultation areas and access various collections: UIS General Collection, General, Reference, and Children's Collection.



Guidance and counseling for users to facilitate rapid, concise, and accurate search for bibliographic information sources on a particular topic of interest.

External lending

Of books

Users have access to the home loan service for bibliographic material, for a specified period and in accordance with the regulations established by the university.

Online Resources


Users can access databases, electronic resources, the bibliographic catalog, thesis papers, and bibliographic interlibrary loan services with national and international libraries.
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Rental of


Essential equipment for the execution of conferences, graduation ceremonies, symposiums, coworking spaces, workshops, and any other academic, business, or cultural events.
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Space equipped with furniture for children (tables, chairs, shelves), a video projection system, sound system, wired and wireless microphones, Wi-Fi service, projection screen, and air conditioning. Additionally, this room features a sanitary facility for infants located inside the premises.



Orientación y asesoría a los usuarios que permitan la búsqueda de fuentes de información bibliográfica de forma rápida, breve y exacta sobre determinado tema de interés.


Recursos Electrónicos

Los usuarios podrán consultar las bases de datos, recursos electrónicos, catálogo bibliográfico, trabajos de grado y conmutación bibliográfica con bibliotecas nacionales y del mundo.
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Permite el ingreso al calendario y links de acceso de capacitaciones en recursos electrónicos (Bases de datos) que la biblioteca tiene programado de manera virtual para la semana en curso; así mismo, solicitar capacitación en recursos electrónicos de su interés.
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Acervo Bibliográfico

Conozca aquí las novedades bibliográficas en las diferentes áreas del conocimiento, libros recomendados y nuevos lanzamientos de la editorial UIS.
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Reading and Wrtiting

Training Programs

At the Alejandro Galvis Galvis UIS Library, programs are developed to stimulate and strengthen the interest in reading, encouraging critical and reflective thinking in children, young people and adults in the District. Transform the Library into a motivating, dynamic and playful environment where users are encouraged to enjoy art and culture by taking some of these programs for different scenarios. Among them: are Story Time, Hospital Fun Reading, Reading with My Baby, Reading is My Story, Reading Plan, Reading Club, Children’s Cinema, Pedagogical homework advice and Bibliovacations.

cultural promotion


Cultural Management contributes to the integral formation of the university community and the general community, nurturing the cultural process of the region through the development of artistic and cultural activities that seek to revitalize and make the space conducive to the conservation and reinterpretation of culture in the District. Cultural agenda: Talks, concerts, film forum, International Piano Festival, exhibitions, coffee poems and plays.

Do you need more information?

Contact us

Icono contacto de la unidad responsable
Icono contacto de la unidad responsable

Barrancabermeja Campus

Telephone: +57 (607) 620 0700

Extension: 6037


Icono de la ubicación de la oficina o unidad responsable
Icono de la ubicación de la oficina o unidad responsable


Barrancabermeja, Santander

Barrio Galán

Carrera 28 # 60 – 20 

Icono del horario de atención de la unidad responsable
Icono del horario de atención de la unidad responsable

Office Hours:

Monday – Friday

8:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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